This Week (February 10-16)  

2nd Tuesday Lunch - Tuesday, February 11th - 12:00 p.m. - Point Person: Barb Harville,

Prayer Ministry - Tuesday, February 11th - 1:30 p.m. - Point Person: Catherine Shanahan,

Midway Students Ski Trip - February 14-17 - Point Person: Ben Lee,

The office will have adjusted hours this week:
Friday-closing at 2:00
Please note that weather may affect office hours this week.

Coming Up                                                                            

Twice Blessed - Thursday, February 20th - 12:00-5:00 p.m. - Point Person: Glenna Johnson,

Family Fun Event - Pizza and Bingo - Friday, February 21st - 6:00 p.m. - Point Person: Shayla Roop,

Mrs. Jones Birthday Lunch - Sunday, February 23rd after service - Perche Creek Cafe - We need to know the number that will attend so please RSVP to by Sunday, February 16th.

Ronald McDonald House - Monday, February 24th - 10:00-11:30 a.m. - 4-6 volunteers are needed to help pack lunches. We will also need 4-5 volunteers to help prepare dinner for the house on the same day, beginning at 11:30. If you’d like to donate food items, help prepare lunches, or prepare the dinner meal, please let Sherri know! Point Person: Sherri Perry,

Gorgeous Girls - Monday, February 24th - 11:00 a.m. - Murry's on Green Meadows - Point Person: Kathy Koehler,

Midway Sprouts (infant to pre-k) - Weekly volunteers needed for February, March, and April. We need 2-3 volunteers each week depending on the number of children. Please volunteer here. Point Person: Amber Vroman,

Midway Kids (kindergarten-5th grade) - Weekly volunteers needed for February, March, and April. We need 1 female and 1 male each week. These volunteers are supporting the children and the teacher. Please volunteer here. Point Person: Shayla Roop,

Visitors & New Members
2nd Sunday Get Acquainted Time - Sunday, March 9th - an informal time for guests to get to know our leadership team. Look for the red banner in the fellowship hall. This is a great Sunday to invite guests!

Scripture Reference for Sunday, February 16th
Matthew 20: 1-16 (NLT)

Prayer & Praise Requests

2025 Calendar

2025 Directory

Weekly Opportunities
  • Midway Sprouts/Kids - Sundays 10:30 a.m. - Point Person: Shayla Roop
  • Midway Students - Sundays 4:00-6:00 p.m. - Point Person: Ben Lee
  • Women’s Bible Study - Sundays 4:45 p.m. - Point Person: Erin White
  • Men’s Bible Study - Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. - Point Person: Ben Lee
  • Lunch at the Hotel - Wednesdays 12:00 Noon - Point Person: Ben Lee
  • Chancel Choir - Wednesdays  6:29 p.m. - Point Person: Jim Johnson
  • “Sew”cial Sisters - Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - Point Person: Beth Luetjen
  • Gorgeous Girls Lunch - 4th Mondays  11:00 a.m. - Point Person: Kathy Koehler
  • 2nd Tuesday Lunch - 2nd Tuesdays 12:00 Noon - Point Person: Barb Harville
  • Prayer Ministry - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 1:30 p.m. - Point Person: Catherine Shanahan
  • Small Groups - Various Days and Times - Point Person: Laurel Groh

MLG Administrative Council Members
Jerry Wirth - Louise Stanley - Erin White - Tony Martin - Jim Johnson - Barb Harville - Jessica Kempf - Shayla Roop - Mary Scott - Kevin Yaeger - Sherri Perry - Kelley Frink - Barry Stoll - Kathy Hughes

Ways to Connect:
Facebook:   @mwlocustgrove
YouTube:     mwlocustgrove